
Analysing “Namentliche Abstimmungen” in the Bundestag

How close, in terms of roll call votes, are members of the parliament to the present parties? How predictable are individual votes for given polls? Answers to these questions can be found here.

More elaborate notebooks:

Data sources

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import os
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from fastai.tabular.all import (
from rich import print as pprint

import bundestag.data.download.huggingface as download_hf
import bundestag.logging as logging
import bundestag.paths as paths
import bundestag.poll_clustering as pc
import bundestag.similarity as sim
import bundestag.vote_prediction as vp
from bundestag.gui import MdBGUI, PartyGUI
logger = logging.logger
# if this notebook is run via `make docs` then the environment variable is set
makedocs = os.getenv("MAKEDOCS") is not None
logger.info(f"Running nb with {makedocs=}")

Comment-in the below cell to download prepared data

# download_hf.run(Path("data"))

Part 1 - Who is similar to whom?

Which party does a politicians voting behavior align the most with? Which parties are closest in terms of cast votes?

Loading the data

If you have cloned the repo you should already have a bundestag.de_votes.parquet file in the root directory of the repo. If not feel free to download that file directly.

If you want to have a closer look at the preprocessing please check out nbs/00_html_parsing.ipynb.

_paths = paths.get_paths("../data")
_fig_path = Path("./images")
file = _paths.preprocessed_bundestag / "bundestag.de_votes.parquet"
df = pd.read_parquet(path=file)

Votes by party

party_votes = sim.get_votes_by_party(df)

Re-arranging party_votes

party_votes_pivoted = sim.pivot_party_votes_df(party_votes)

Which party does a politicians voting behavior align the most with?

Collecting the politicians votes

mdb = "Peter Altmaier"
mdb_votes = sim.prepare_votes_of_mdb(df, mdb)

Comparing the politician against the parties

mdb_vs_parties = sim.align_mdb_with_parties(
    mdb_votes, party_votes_pivoted
).pipe(sim.compute_similarity, lsuffix="mdb", rsuffix="party")


    title_overall=f"Overall similarity of {mdb} with all parties",
    title_over_time=f"{mdb} vs time",
if makedocs:
    plt.savefig(_fig_path / "mdb_similarity_vs_time.png")

Which parties are closest in terms of cast votes?

Collecting party votes

party = "SPD"
partyA_vs_rest = sim.align_party_with_all_parties(
    party_votes_pivoted, party
).pipe(sim.compute_similarity, lsuffix="a", rsuffix="b")



    title_overall=f"Overall similarity of {party} with all parties",
    title_over_time=f"{party} vs time",
if makedocs:
    plt.savefig(_fig_path / "party_similarity_vs_time.png")

GUI to inspect similarities

To make the above exploration more interactive, the class MdBGUI and PartyGUI was implemented to quickly go through the different parties and politicians

mdb = MdBGUI(df)
if not makedocs:
party = PartyGUI(df)
if not makedocs:

Part 2 - How will a politician cast his or her vote?

The data used below was processed using nbs/03_abgeordnetenwatch.ipynb.

path = _paths.preprocessed_abgeordnetenwatch
legislature_id = 111
file = path / f"df_polls_{legislature_id}.parquet"
df_polls = pd.read_parquet(path=file)

Clustering polls using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)

source_col = "poll_title"
nlp_col = f"{source_col}_nlp_processed"
num_topics = 5  # number of topics / clusters to identify

st = pc.SpacyTransformer()

# load data and prepare text for modelling
df_polls_lda = df_polls.copy().assign(
    **{nlp_col: lambda x: pc.clean_text(x, col=source_col, nlp=st.nlp)}

# modelling clusters
st.fit(df_polls_lda[nlp_col].values, mode="lda", num_topics=num_topics)

# creating text features using fitted model
df_polls_lda, nlp_feature_cols = df_polls_lda.pipe(
    st.transform, col=nlp_col, return_new_cols=True

# inspecting clusters
pc.pca_plot_lda_topics(df_polls_lda, st, source_col, nlp_feature_cols)

Predicting votes

Loading data

df_all_votes = pd.read_parquet(
    path=path / f"df_all_votes_{legislature_id}.parquet"
df_mandates = pd.read_parquet(
    path=path / f"df_mandates_{legislature_id}.parquet"

Splitting data set into training and validation set. Splitting randomly here because it leads to an interesting result, albeit not very realistic for production.

splits = RandomSplitter(valid_pct=0.2)(df_all_votes)
y_col = "vote"

Training a neural net to predict vote based on embeddings for poll_id and politician name

to = TabularPandas(
        "politician name",
    ],  # columns in `df_all_votes` to treat as categorical
    y_names=[y_col],  # column to use as a target for the model in `learn`
    procs=[Categorify],  # processing of features
    y_block=CategoryBlock,  # how to treat `y_names`, here as categories
)  # how to split the data

dls = to.dataloaders(bs=512)
learn = tabular_learner(
)  # fastai function to set up a neural net for tabular data
lrs = learn.lr_find()  # searches the learning rate
    5, lrs.valley
)  # performs training using one-cycle hyperparameter schedule

Predictions over unseen data

Inspecting the predictions of the neural net over the validation set.

    learn, df_all_votes, df_mandates, df_polls, splits, n_worst_politicians=5

Splitting our dataset randomly leads to a surprisingly good accuracy of ~88% over the validation set. The most reasonable explanation is that the model encountered polls and how most politicians voted for them already during training.

This can be interpreted as, if it is known how most politicians will vote during a poll, then the vote of the remaining politicians is highly predictable. Splitting the data set by poll_id, as can be done using vp.poll_splitter leads to random chance predictions. Anything else would be surprising as well since the only available information provided to the model is who is voting.

Visualising learned embeddings

Besides the actual prediction it also is interesting to inspect what the model actually learned. This can sometimes lead to surprises.

So let’s look at the learned embeddings

embeddings = vp.get_embeddings(learn)

To make sense of the embeddings for poll_id as well as politician name we apply Principal Component Analysis (so one still kind of understands what distances mean) and project down to 2d.

Using the information which party was most strongly (% of their votes being “yes”), so its strongest proponent, we color code the individual polls.

fig = vp.plot_poll_embeddings(
    df_all_votes, df_polls, embeddings, df_mandates=df_mandates
if makedocs:
    fig.write_image(_fig_path / "poll_embeddings.png")

The politician embeddings are color coded using the politician’s party membership

fig = vp.plot_politician_embeddings(df_all_votes, df_mandates, embeddings)
if makedocs:
    fig.write_image(_fig_path / "mandate_embeddings.png")

The politician embeddings may be the most surprising finding in its clarity. It seems we find for polls and politicians 2-3 clusters, but for politicians with a significant grouping of mandates associated with the government coalition. It seems we find one cluster for the government parties and one for the government opposition.